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Posts Tagged ‘Hair removal


I HATE SHAVING!!! I hate it, I hate it, I hate it with a passion. Shaving can take up quite a bit of your precious time if you want to get it right the first time. The little disposable razors can nick and slice your skin. I’ve literally cut a sliver of color off my left leg just above my ankle in the shower as a teenager. The shaving creams do very little if anything to protect your skin from these kinds of mishaps. It was years before that part of my leg looked normal again. The blades dull quickly and don’t get me started on how much you’re likely to spend on replacement blades. Depilatories are even worse. They’re smelly and messy and they can be just as time consuming as shaving. God forbid you have an important meeting at the office that morning or a hot date that night. You’re almost guaranteed to be late for either if you’re trying to remove unwanted hair from your body at the last minute. Waxing will give you a migraine as well. You will never get used to burning your skin. Others say electrolysis seems to be a good alternative to those mentioned above. I say YEAH RIGHT!!! That option requires multiple visits to your doctor’s office, plus the vast majority of us cannot afford the hundreds maybe even thousands of dollars it would cost to achieve the results we’re looking for. I saw an infomercial for Nad’s Hair Removal Gel a few months after I gave birth to my daughter. So I ordered it. When I received my package in the mail the first place I wanted to use it was under my arms. YES, YES, YES was all I could say once I saw how well it worked. Razors were no longer written on my shopping list and here’s why:

Easy Application: First you must make sure your skin is clean and dry. It comes with cleansing wipes to achieve this. Once this is done you dip the spatula into the gel and scoop out the desired amount of Nad’s Hair Removal Gel you’ll need for the body part you’re going to start with first. Then you begin spreading the gel onto your skin in thin layers in the same direction in which the hair is growing. It melts with your body’s own natural heat so there’s no need to preheat the gel as you would a wax. Then you place the reusable hair removal cloth on top of the area where the gel is. After smoothing it down, make sure there are no creases or bumps in the cloth. You
will now QUICKLY rip the cloth away from the skin in the opposite direction in which the hair was growing. And voila, you’re hair free!!

No odor: Nad’s Hair Removal Gel’s main ingredient is sugar. So there’s no foul offensive smell that will have you pinching your nose closed. It’s very light and clean.


Works everywhere: Nad’s hair removal gel can be used anywhere on your body unwanted hair grows.

Lasting Results: After my initial use of Nad’s the hair under my arms didn’t begin to grow back until about two months later. This result makes Nad’s a significantly better choice than traditional shaving.

Nad’s Hair Removal Gel will definitely go on the list as one of my all time favorite products. But I do have a couple of “CONS” to report. When you’re ready to rip the cloth off your skin to remove the hair, brace yourself, because IT IS A BIT UNCOMFORTABLE IF YOU HAVE A ZERO TOLERANCE FOR PAIN!!! The GREAT NEWS is, that it only hurts for a second and it’s not a lingering pain. Secondly, consisting primarily of sugar it’s very sticky. So be careful when you’re scooping it out of the jar and onto the spatula. Make sure there are no “melted mozzarella-like” strings hanging from the spatula to the jar, you don’t want any sticky patches anywhere else but on your skin. Nad’s Hair Removal Gel is now available in stores and will cost you anywhere between $12.99 to $19.99 depending upon the retailer. I recently bought a new jar on sale at CVS Pharmacy for the cheaper price. So here’s to…… NAD’S NATURAL HAIR REMOVAL GEL, when conventional shaving and depilatories have left your skin hard and bitter you can now soften and sweeten it up with all natural Nad’s.

Copyright © 2011 by Nikkia Nicholson