PickiNikki CPReviews

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Hello my friends,

Yes, its been quite a while since I’ve written a review. These past few years have been a rollercoaster ride for me. Going back to school, moving to a different state, changing career paths, writing two childrens books as well as my first novel (which I hope to release before the end of summer). I’ve also published my first poetry ebook which is currently available on Amazon. All of that and more put me on long hiatus from reviewing. However, I’VE BEEN INSPIRED to come back and here I am! In the coming weeks I’ll be writing and posting reviews for some new personal care and household products I’ve used since my abscene. So please stay tuned…

Aveeno Positively Radiant Skin Brightening Daily Scrub


HELLO FELLOW BLOGGERS AND MY WONDERFUL SUBSCRIBERS :-). Here it is PICKINIKKI’S first product review of the New Year!!! I had a very relaxing and productive vacation now it’s back to business. As I explained in my last review update Aveeno sent me a gift package containing several of their products I’ve never considered purchasing before. AND I’M SO PLEASED THEY DID!!!!! My favorite out of the bunch has been their Positively Radiant Skin Brightening Daily Scrub. This exfoliating face scrub is ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL and here’s why:

1. Supple Application – Many facial scrubs have jagged little beads that feel as if they’re cutting into your skin. Aveeno has definitely taken care of that problem. The microbeads in this daily scrub are very fine and smooth and feel incredible on your skin. It feels like a gentle, rejuvenating massage.

2. Fast Results – I have extremely dry skin due to my eczema so I tend to get dark scaly patches on my face from time to time. Once I began using Aveeno’s Positively Radiant Skin Brightening Daily Scrub I started noticing a difference in my skin within the first three days. Dark acne scars began to fade (which is a MAJOR PLUS for any product that can work that magic on dark African-American skin). The scaly patches were diminishing and my skin now has a much more even tone and truly is brighter looking. My daughter, mom and a few friends had pointed that out to me before I spilled the beans about what I was using.

3. Clean Scent: Aveeno’s Positively Radiant Skin Brightening Daily Scrub has a very light clean fresh scent that will NOT attack your nostrils with unpleasant heavy perfumes that can make your eyes water. It’s very pleasing to the senses; you’ll feel like you’re in a spa getting an amazing facial.

Needless to say, but I’m going to anyway, AVEENO HAS DONE IT AGAIN!!! Creating a great product that helps you to achieve EXACTLY what it promises. I have no “CONS” to report. Aveeno’s Positively Radiant Skin Brightening Daily Scrub is reasonably price anywhere from $6.47 to $7.99 in your local retail stores. So here’s to Aveeno’s Positively Radiant Skin Brightening Daily Scrub……… The BEST do-it-yourself facial in a bottle that gives you that fresh from the spa feel without the fresh from the spa prices!!!

Copyright © 2012 by Nikkia Nicholson

Hello friends,

How was everyone’s Christmas and New Year celebrations? I hope they were as wonderful as mine turned out to be. I spent the entire week after Christmas visiting with my mom, sister and my nephew. My daughter Poetry was all smiles the entire time we were there. Plus I got an awesome surprise in the mail a few days before Christmas. Everyone who knows me, knows I love Aveeno‘s Eczema Therapy Cream. I sent an email to Aveeno’s director of marketing just after I started my PICKINIKKI blog, expressing how much I loved this particular product. So a couple of months later I get a reply email from the company asking for my address so they could send  me a package. I didn’t give much thought to it after I replied back because I assumed it would be just a thank you letter with a few coupons for their products.  So two days before Christmas I received a UPS package and I was floored by its contents. Aveeno sent me $75.00 worth of their new active naturals and eczema lotions, active naturals bodywash, and their daily exfoliating scrub (which is amazing by the way). There were NO SAMPLE SIZES in the box!!! Everything they shipped to me were the actual full size bottles you’d buy in your local retail stores. I was so elated I called everyone I knew to tell them about it. I felt like a little kid on Christmas morning. Needless to say Aveeno will get top billing reviews  from me again because I’m loving everything that was so generously given to me.

Now that the holidays are over and my daughter is back in school I can focus more on writing the product reviews I love to do. So as promised new reviews will be posted very soon. Your continued support of my PICKINIKKI BLOG is extremely appreciated. And don’t forget to spread the word that PICKINIKKI IS HERE. So until next time my fellow readers and bloggers:-)

Hello friends:)

With the holiday season in full swing I’m sure  many of you have been just as busy as I have doing all that needs to be done to make it a memorable one. And if you’re a parent, this time of year has kicked your already hectic schedule into OVERDRIVE!!! My daughter just turned 9 a few weeks ago and she’s been reminding me nonstop how she’s a big girl now and a child of the technology age, so her birthday and Christmas gifts should reflect this. I would have been truly annoyed with hearing this over and over again if she was a selfish brat who only cared about her wants and did not know the true meaning of Christmas and how blessed and fortunate she happens to be. But being the FANTASTIC parents her dad and I are (wink, wink) she’s very aware of these things so we don’t mind going the extra mile for her. BUT REST ASSURED PICKINIKKI WILL BE BACK AFTER THE NEW YEAR WITH MORE AMAZING PRODUCT REVIEWS!!! Until then please continue to spread the word that PickiNikki is here. HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE:)

Okay ladies you’re going to love this pomade. It’s for all women and hair types but I’m speaking primarily to my fellow African American mothers with daughters. As I’ve stated in previous posts I have an 8 year old daughter named Poetry who’s truly the love of my life. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for her. When her dad and I found out we were having a girl he was ecstatic and I was SCARED!!!! At that time in my life I was a woman who knew nothing about combing hair. In elementary school my mom combed my hair until she made me get a Jheri Curl. When I started high school wearing your hair in braids was the style at the time. And once I began working and making my own money I ALWAYS made appointments to see my hairstylist every two weeks. So as you may have guessed I never learned to comb my own hair. I wasn’t sure whether or not I’d be able to comb my daughter’s hair. I know many of you have felt this way at one point or another . Well it’s been almost nine years and mama has developed some skills, if I do say so myself. I began noticing about a year ago my daughter’s hair was getting thicker and harder to comb. I’d wash and condition it every two weeks, I tried several different children and adult hair moisturizers, my sister even flat ironed it a few times and none of this did anything to make her hair more manageable. Plus there was NO WAY on God’s green earth that I was going to get my baby’s hair addicted to the “CREAMY CRACK”!!! For those of you who don’t know what creamy crack is, it’s a slang term for African American hair relaxers. I went to Macy’s one afternoon to speak with a Carol’s Daughter representative and she suggested I try the Mimosa Hair Honey. And after the first use I WAS SO AMAZED WITH ITS RESULTS THAT I LITERALLY CRIED TEARS OF JOY and here’s why:

It Moisturizes: My daughter’s hair and scalp soaks up moisture like a sponge. After using this pomade her hair is now retaining more moisture and she no longer has those scaly white patches on her scalp.


It’s Light: It never weighs her hair down and I use it every single day. It also does not have that sticky thick oily consistency that the more popular hair moisturizers for African American hair have.

Adds Sheen: It gives my baby’s hair a nice healthy looking glow that lasts all day.

Controls Frizz: This is why I plan to be a lifelong customer at Carol’s Daughter. My daughter’s hair can now truly stand up to the elements. Before I started using the Mimosa Hair Honey just the thought of having to go outside turned my baby’s hair into an unruly bush. But since we’ve been using the hair honey all I have to do is massage a small amount of it into her hair and scalp and set the flat iron on low heat and it keeps the frizz at bay for up to two weeks!!!!!! I never have to use heat on her hair anymore than twice a month. Cause we all know excessive heat leads to hair breakage and loss. The frizz control was the clincher for me to continue doing business with Carols Daughter.

I only have one “CON” for Carol’s Daughter. Their products are a little expensive BUT IT’S MONEY VERY WELL SPENT FOR THE RESULTS YOU’LL RECIEVE. The Mimosa Hair Honey retails for $11.00 for the small jar and the large jar is $17.00. You can purchase it online or in your local department stores. So here’s to Carol’s Daughter Mimosa Hair Honey…….. For the natural healthy looking, chemical free manageable hair you’ve always wanted and can now have all from the comfort of home.

Copyright © 2011 by Nikkia Nicholson

Proactiv? Really, PickiNikki? Why are you writing about this medication? Everyone in the world already knows about this stuff. I know these are a couple of the questions you may ask yourself before you read this review in its entirety. And the statement may be true; Proactiv has become the go to acne treatment for at least the past decade. But I chose to write this review because I have a very personal story to tell along with it. As a teenager I suffered from acne breakouts. And having the skin rash Eczema coupled with it only made my already low self esteem even worse. I was consistently told to my face every day of my life that I was ugly. Classmates, strangers and even family members made me feel like I was the most hideous girl on Earth. So after high school I began searching for ways to clear my skin. After trying everything I could find that claimed it would cure my acne the only medication that cleared all the bumps from my face was Clearasil. I was happy with how quickly it cleared my skin. However it did nothing to fade the dark spots my pimples left behind. I was 19 years old when I saw first saw an infomercial for Proactiv Solution late one night. Judith Light from “Who’s The Boss?” fame was the only celebrity at the time promoting it. So after watching the infomercial for the hundredth time I decided to try it out. When I received my package in the mail I really wasn’t too optimistic that it would work as well as they said it would. After about a month of continuous use Proactiv became my new best friend!!! And here’s why:

Simple to Use: There are 3 EASY steps to follow when using this product.

STEP 1. Wet your face with warm water then squeeze a small  amount of the facial cleanser onto your fingertips then gently scrub your skin in a circular motion. After a long day you’ll look forward to cleansing your face because the micro beads feel so good on against your skin.

STEP 2.  After completely rinsing the cleanser from your face with warm water pat dry the excess water from your face then sprinkle a few drops of the revitalizing toner to a cotton pad and swab your entire face. Steps 1 and 2 are what helped to fade all the dark marks on my face. The toner also leaves your skin feeling smooth and refreshed.

STEP 3. You’ve reached the final step in which you apply the repairing lotion to your face. The lotion is light and absorbs quickly into your skin.

Once I began achieving the results I was hoping for my self esteem went through the rooftop. People started telling me how cute and pretty I was, men started showering me with attention and I no longer felt like a freak of nature. I admit I still struggle sometimes with the lingering ill effects that teasing and taunting can do to a person’s psyche, but I’m more over it now than not.

Reasonably Priced: Proactiv sells for about $20 plus shipping if you order it over the phone or online. It sells for about $30 if you buy it from a Proactiv Kiosk in a department store.

I have no “CONS” for Proactiv Solution. It worked really well for me and I’m sure it will work for you. So here’s to Proactiv Solution………for the beautifully smooth baby soft skin you were meant to have.

Copyright © 2011 by Nikkia Nicholson

Hello friends,

Thank you all so much for your support of my new consumer blog. I’ve been very busy reviewing several products that will be featured here on PICKINIKKI in the coming weeks. So do not fret, I’ll have several new recomendations posted very soon for you to share with all your family and friends. Product review is a lot of work the same as any job but I’M LOVING IT!!!!!! It’s a really great feeling to finally find your niche and have others tell you how much they enjoy your writing. I’ve been a “SERIAL JOB HOPPER” for a few years now and not having the job security I was so desperately seeking due to company downsizing, low wages, inconvenient commutes and so on, I became frustrated and unhappy working for others. It seemed as if I would never find a career that left me feeling fulfilled at the end of the day. After being laid off from my previous job back in May of this year I had an epiphany!!! I decided I was going to find a way to earn a living using the one GOD given talent I possess, which is writing. In addition to this review blog where I also create advertising slogans for the various products I mention, I’m writing my first novel as well as a series of childrens books for ages 2 to 7 years old. This process has been a bit slow but I’M DETERMINED to make this happen. It’s been a dream of mine for a long time to go into business for myself. So now that my daughter Poetry has gotten older I see myself finally coming closer to my dreams. And creating PICKINIKKI CONSUMER PRODUCT REVIEWS is the first step I’ve taken to get the public to read my work. If you are in need of a catchy slogan for your small business or would like to surprise a loved one with a beautifully written heartfelt poem, short story, or birthday and anniversary wishes etc, please contact me with your suggestions and requests. Again thank you all so much for supporting me and DON’T FORGET TO SPREAD THE WORD THAT PICKINIKKI IS HERE AND YOU CAN FOLLOW HER RIGHT HERE ON WORDPRESS.COM.

Contact Information:

Email: PickiNikki623@gmail.com

Phone#: (773) 449 -7943

Copyright © 2011 by Nikkia Nicholson

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I HATE SHAVING!!! I hate it, I hate it, I hate it with a passion. Shaving can take up quite a bit of your precious time if you want to get it right the first time. The little disposable razors can nick and slice your skin. I’ve literally cut a sliver of color off my left leg just above my ankle in the shower as a teenager. The shaving creams do very little if anything to protect your skin from these kinds of mishaps. It was years before that part of my leg looked normal again. The blades dull quickly and don’t get me started on how much you’re likely to spend on replacement blades. Depilatories are even worse. They’re smelly and messy and they can be just as time consuming as shaving. God forbid you have an important meeting at the office that morning or a hot date that night. You’re almost guaranteed to be late for either if you’re trying to remove unwanted hair from your body at the last minute. Waxing will give you a migraine as well. You will never get used to burning your skin. Others say electrolysis seems to be a good alternative to those mentioned above. I say YEAH RIGHT!!! That option requires multiple visits to your doctor’s office, plus the vast majority of us cannot afford the hundreds maybe even thousands of dollars it would cost to achieve the results we’re looking for. I saw an infomercial for Nad’s Hair Removal Gel a few months after I gave birth to my daughter. So I ordered it. When I received my package in the mail the first place I wanted to use it was under my arms. YES, YES, YES was all I could say once I saw how well it worked. Razors were no longer written on my shopping list and here’s why:

Easy Application: First you must make sure your skin is clean and dry. It comes with cleansing wipes to achieve this. Once this is done you dip the spatula into the gel and scoop out the desired amount of Nad’s Hair Removal Gel you’ll need for the body part you’re going to start with first. Then you begin spreading the gel onto your skin in thin layers in the same direction in which the hair is growing. It melts with your body’s own natural heat so there’s no need to preheat the gel as you would a wax. Then you place the reusable hair removal cloth on top of the area where the gel is. After smoothing it down, make sure there are no creases or bumps in the cloth. You
will now QUICKLY rip the cloth away from the skin in the opposite direction in which the hair was growing. And voila, you’re hair free!!

No odor: Nad’s Hair Removal Gel’s main ingredient is sugar. So there’s no foul offensive smell that will have you pinching your nose closed. It’s very light and clean.


Works everywhere: Nad’s hair removal gel can be used anywhere on your body unwanted hair grows.

Lasting Results: After my initial use of Nad’s the hair under my arms didn’t begin to grow back until about two months later. This result makes Nad’s a significantly better choice than traditional shaving.

Nad’s Hair Removal Gel will definitely go on the list as one of my all time favorite products. But I do have a couple of “CONS” to report. When you’re ready to rip the cloth off your skin to remove the hair, brace yourself, because IT IS A BIT UNCOMFORTABLE IF YOU HAVE A ZERO TOLERANCE FOR PAIN!!! The GREAT NEWS is, that it only hurts for a second and it’s not a lingering pain. Secondly, consisting primarily of sugar it’s very sticky. So be careful when you’re scooping it out of the jar and onto the spatula. Make sure there are no “melted mozzarella-like” strings hanging from the spatula to the jar, you don’t want any sticky patches anywhere else but on your skin. Nad’s Hair Removal Gel is now available in stores and will cost you anywhere between $12.99 to $19.99 depending upon the retailer. I recently bought a new jar on sale at CVS Pharmacy for the cheaper price. So here’s to…… NAD’S NATURAL HAIR REMOVAL GEL, when conventional shaving and depilatories have left your skin hard and bitter you can now soften and sweeten it up with all natural Nad’s.

Copyright © 2011 by Nikkia Nicholson