PickiNikki CPReviews

Posts Tagged ‘Communications

Hello friends,

Thank you all so much for your support of my new consumer blog. I’ve been very busy reviewing several products that will be featured here on PICKINIKKI in the coming weeks. So do not fret, I’ll have several new recomendations posted very soon for you to share with all your family and friends. Product review is a lot of work the same as any job but I’M LOVING IT!!!!!! It’s a really great feeling to finally find your niche and have others tell you how much they enjoy your writing. I’ve been a “SERIAL JOB HOPPER” for a few years now and not having the job security I was so desperately seeking due to company downsizing, low wages, inconvenient commutes and so on, I became frustrated and unhappy working for others. It seemed as if I would never find a career that left me feeling fulfilled at the end of the day. After being laid off from my previous job back in May of this year I had an epiphany!!! I decided I was going to find a way to earn a living using the one GOD given talent I possess, which is writing. In addition to this review blog where I also create advertising slogans for the various products I mention, I’m writing my first novel as well as a series of childrens books for ages 2 to 7 years old. This process has been a bit slow but I’M DETERMINED to make this happen. It’s been a dream of mine for a long time to go into business for myself. So now that my daughter Poetry has gotten older I see myself finally coming closer to my dreams. And creating PICKINIKKI CONSUMER PRODUCT REVIEWS is the first step I’ve taken to get the public to read my work. If you are in need of a catchy slogan for your small business or would like to surprise a loved one with a beautifully written heartfelt poem, short story, or birthday and anniversary wishes etc, please contact me with your suggestions and requests. Again thank you all so much for supporting me and DON’T FORGET TO SPREAD THE WORD THAT PICKINIKKI IS HERE AND YOU CAN FOLLOW HER RIGHT HERE ON WORDPRESS.COM.

Contact Information:

Email: PickiNikki623@gmail.com

Phone#: (773) 449 -7943

Copyright © 2011 by Nikkia Nicholson